Wednesday, October 26, 2005


In the spirit of Halloween.....

What scares you?? For me... cockroaches. They scare the ever-lovin shit out of me. Ghost stories - good ones, mind you. I love them, but if afterwards I'm left in a dark place all alone... hell yeah my mind will start playing tricks on me.

What are your favorite scary movies?
I love scary movies, I think I've seen just about every one ever made. One of the first ones I ever saw was The Exorcist - I don't remember how old I was, but it was probably 8 or 10.... I remember that movie scaring me to pieces. Even the first Friday the 13th was scary, in its day. The first Nightmare on Elm Street was certainly scary. The Amityville Horror was definitely scary. I'm trying to think of more, but I can't think of any right now. I want to hear yours??

This is what I'm being for Halloween this year...