Sunday, April 03, 2005

Mouse Balls

Keep em clean!! This is what I learned today.

See, I am a computer dipshit - I know enough to get me through the day, but other than that, I don't want to know and don't care. If my computer konks out, I'm apt to just go get a new one (well, assuming I have the money to do this) rather than (1) try and figure out what's wrong, or (2) schlepp it to someone who can.

So, my mouse has been a royal pain the ASS lately - all squirrley, won't work for shit. Frustrating as HELL - my computer's heard more curses lately than a hungry, pissed off horny sailor.

So, this morning I'm a message board I frequent (Eagles message board), and I post a thread about my fucking mouse dilemma...... and there I find out you just have to take the ball out and clean the rollers - and, I ACTUALLY FIGURED OUT HOW TO DO IT!!! Coming from a person who can barely change a light bulb, this is an amazing feat. WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Yes, it's a small step, but I'm damn proud of myself and my mouse balls are now back to normal. Thank freaking GOD!


OPENING DAY OF BASEBALL WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I've been waiting for this day for months!!! However, I turned on the TV this morning to find the Sixers/Celtics game on, and they showed a clip from the beginning of the game, where Ed Rendell (Governor of PA) came out wearing a PATS Jersey!!! Evidently he and the Governor of Mass. had a bet or something from the Super Bowl last year and this was payback day. Fuck, I did NOT need to be reminded of this.

I was at the gym yesterday when the news came that Pope John Paul II had died. Poor guy - but, what a great man. I actually shed a couple tears - I'm not Catholic, never saw/met the guy. But, to devote your entire life to something to selfless and good - you gotta prop that. RIP Pope.


It's raining here. Again. Guess our February-March spring is now over. And, it's killing my sinus/allergies. Oh well, what can ya do.