Thursday, March 31, 2005

The Road Less Traveled

Celti's blog got me thinking.....

Well, trying to, anyway. With this ADD or whatever the hell you want to call it or label it...., the problem I have is that my mind is constantly racing, trying to keep up with and keep track of all the thoughts, plans and worries going through my brain at any given moment.

Anyway (see, that's another ADD-ism for me - going off on tangents).... one of my biggest fears is never finding that which I yearn for the most - that which I've been searching for my whole life, but seemingly no closer to finding than I was 20 years ago.

What the hell am I waiting for? I have no idea. I'm just here, waiting. For 'something big.' I've always had this feeling I was meant for something great, something big. But, unfortunately, I have no frigging idea what it is. So, I just go along with daily life, in pursuit of this phantom "thing" that is driving me absolutely batty. I work my ass off, I'm great at my job, but it's most definitely not "it." I can only guess it has something to do with animals, because that is truly my love. It's the thing that makes me happier than anything else - even sports, which is pretty big in my life.

Unfortunately, that doesn't get me any closer to "it." I want to be a wildlife photographer, a wildlife rehabilitator, a veteriarian, a wildlife rescuer, a zookeeper, a biologist, a doggy day care owner (not to mention a world famous novelist and a trauma surgeon). How do I become all those things? I can't quit my job, those things I mentioned above are wonderful, but won't pay the bills. I'm not rich, I can't just run around and play. I'm single, I have only myself to depend on.

So, here I am.... I can remember when I was 25, thinking this very same thing. Now I'm 37, and nothing's changed.

Maybe this year will be the year! :)