Monday, June 20, 2005

Rants & Rainbows

For those of you who work in an office setting, or have ever worked in an office, you I'm sure can relate.

These are some of the things that irk the hell outta me:

1. Copier/paper - why am I the ONLY ONE in the office who uses an ounce of courtesy and fills the fuckin copier with paper if it's low, or empty! I don't know how many times I've gone in to use the copier and have it run out on me mid-way - when I just filled the fucker up the day before! I know I haven't used it all. If you're making a shitload of copies at least have a little bit o'courtesy and replenish the paper goddamit!

2. I think this is more of a guy thing, but for fear of being accused of gender profiling, I'll include the women in this as well: We have a dishwasher in our kitchen at work, it's conveniently located RIGHT NEXT TO THE SINK. When you're done with your dishes, put them in the fuckin dishwasher! Rather than strain themselves to open the dishwasher and place the item inside, those who shall remain nameless will just plop everything in the sink for someone else to take care of. Thank God my desk isn't anywhere near the kitchen because some of the shit that's left on those ditched dishes can really start to smell. I spend at least a half hour each morning when I get into the office (I usually get in around 7:30 or so, well before anyone else) cleaning up everyone's shit from the day/night before. When I come in on Mondays, OMG it's like a tornado went through the kitchen -- beer bottles, wine bottles & glasses, bowls of popcorn & chips, all kinds of shit, nicely left for me to clean up!

3. I kind of have my own drawer in the refrigerator (being at home I have to share one with my roommates and don't have much room, so I keep a lot of stuff in the office fridge) - if you see something in that drawer, say a soda, and know damn well it's not yours, DON'T FUCKING DRINK IT! I've had people take stuff I've actually written my name on! I am tempted to buy one of those small compact things and put it by my desk - with a lock on it. Fuckers!

4. There's a "Vixie" in my office - to put it mildly, everyone who calls in never seems to know which one of us they want (that don't already know us well enough to know). The other day I got a call from a local medical center asking to set up a "gestation appointment." Now, I'm not sure what that is, but I know I don't want it or need it. As the other V is pregnant, I'm betting (and praying!!) that it was meant for her.

We had a WICKED thunderstorm out here yesterday - way cool. We don't get a lot of em out here, and it's one of the things I miss about Philly/east coast. I looooove a good thunderstorm. Here are some pics that were on the local news site, shot by .... some people I don't know, followed by a couple I shot myself (didn't come out that great because yours truly was too lazy to walk the fuck outside to get a better shot LOL):

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here are the few I took myself (not nearly as exciting)
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