We Want Weird words !
This is a trip
I learned a new word today @ work: "gravitas" - never heard of it before, hey now I know.
Here are some other weird words for your precious pondering pleasure:
Absquatulate; Acronychal; Acrophony; Adipocere; Albertopolis; Alegar and beeregar; Alexipharmic; Analemmatic; Anamorphosis; Anfractuosity; Ansible; Antimacassar; Apocope; Arenaceous; Astrobleme; Ataraxy; Atrabilious; Austringer; Autohagiography; Balderdash; Bankrupt; Bant; Barmecide; Bathykolpian; Bezoar; Blackguard; Blackmail; Blatherskite; Bloviate; Blurb; Bodacious; Bodger; Bonzer; Boondoggle; Borborygmus; Boscage; Boustrophedonic; Brimborion; Brobdingnagian; Bromopnea; Brummagem; Bruxer; Cachinnatory; Cacography; Cadastral; Cadge; Caitiff; Callipygian; Callithumpian; Caltrop; Cancrine; Carphology; Cataglottism; Cataract; Catoptromancy; Cheat-bread; Chiliastic; Chrestomathy; Clerihew; Clinquant; Cockaigne; Cockamamie; Codswallop; Cohobation; Collyrium; Colophonian; Contumely; Copacetic; Costard; Costus; Coulrophobia; Cribellate; Cruciverbalist; Cyborg; Cymbocephalic; Dactylonomy; Daft-days; Deasil; Deipnosophist; Deray; Destrier; Didgeridoo; Digamy; Discombobulate; Donnybrook; Dracontology; Droogish; Dumbledore; Dwile flonking; Edacious; Eleemosynary; Ell; Emmet and grockle; Empasm; Engastrimyth; Ergophobia; Estovers; Etaoin shrdlu; Eyot; Fantods; Farb; Fimbriated; Financephalograph; Flabbergasted; Flagitious; Flibbertigibbet; Floccinaucinihilipilification; Florilegium; Fogou; Folderol; Foudroyant; Frigorific; Funambulist; Furbelow; Gaberlunzie; Gadzooks; Gafiate; Galligaskins; Gallimaufry; Gantlope; Garbler; Gargalesis; Gazebo; Gazump; Ginglyform; Gobbledygook or Gobbledegook; Gobo; Gomer; Gongoozler; Gooding; Gowpen; Gremlin; Grok; Groze; Guiser; Gurning; Ha-ha; Haberdasher; Haggard; Handfasting; Haplology; Haptic; Haruspex; Hebesphenomegacorona; Hebetude; Higgledy-piggledy; Higgler; Hobbledehoy; Hocus-pocus; Honeyfuggle; Honorificabilitudinitatibus; Hornswoggle; Houghmagandy; Humdudgeon; Humongous; Hypnobioscope; Ice house; Ichthyophagous; In silico; Incarnadine; Incunabulum; Infundibulum; Inglenook; Ingrained; Insinuendo; Interrobang; Isabelline; Jackalope; Jackanapes; Jactitation; Jaculation; Janus-faced; Jingoism; Jobbernowl; Josser; Katzenjammer; Kelemenopy; Kerfuffle; Killick; Knucker; Labretifery; Lackadaisical; Lagniappe; Latrociny; Leiotrichous; Leucipottomy; Lipogrammatist; Liripipe; Lithophone; Logan stone; Lollygag; Lycanthropy; Macaronic; Machicolation; Macilent; Magiric; Makebate; Mallemaroking; Maritorious; Maundy; Megilp; Merrythought; Metoposcopist; Mimsy; Mortsafe; Mudlark; Mugwump; Mulligrubs; Mundungus; Musterdevillers; Nepenthes; Nescient; Nubbing-cheat; Obdiplostemonous; Obnubilate; Oche; Octothorpe; Ombre; Omphaloskepsis; Onomatopoeia; Onychophagist; Oojah; Orismology; Orotund; Orrery; Oyez;Palimpsest; Pall-mall; Panglossian; Panjandrum; Panorama; Pantechnicon; Paralipsis; Paraphernalia; Paregoric; Pastinaceous; Pecksniffian; Petard; Petrichor; Pettifogging; Phenology; Picadil; Picayune; Piepowder; Pilgarlic; Pinchbeck; Pocillovy; Pogonotrophy; Popinjay; Poppycock; Portolan; Pound; Preposterous; Pridian; Pyknic; Quidnunc; Quincunx; Quodlibet; Rasorial; Retronym; Rhadamanthine; Rhapsodomancy; Rhinotillexomania; Rhopalic; Rigmarole; Rodomontade; Roo; Sabermetrician; Saggar; Salmagundi; Sarcophagus; Scalene; Scallywag or Scalawag; Sciolist; Scofflaw; Scombroid; Scrimshaw; Seersucker; Semordnilap; Sennight; Serendipity; Sesquipedalian; Sferics; Shenanigan; Sisyphean; Sitooterie; Skedaddle; Skimmington; Skulduggery; Slubberdegullion; Smouch; Snickersnee; Snollygoster; Sockdolager; Solar sail; Sophrosyne; Spanghew; Sphairistike; Sphragistics; Spifflicate; Spondulicks; Squabash; Steganography; Sternutation; Stotting; Stramonium; Stylite; Surrebutter; Swazzle; Symploce; Synaesthete; Syzygy; Taghairm; Tantivy; Tatterdemalion; Tautochrone; Tawdry; Teetotum; Tergiversate; Termagant; Tetrapyloctomy; Thaumaturgy; Thelemic; Therianthrope; Tiffin; Tintinnabulation; Titubation; Tontine; Trebuchet; Triacle; Triskaidekaphobia; Truckle; Turlough; Ullage; Ultracrepidarian; Umami; Unobtanium; Usufructuary; Vaccary; Vaccimulgence NEW ; Velocipedist; Vexillology; Volitation; Volvelle; Wassail; Wayzgoose; Welkin; Whilom; Will-o’-the-wisp; Willy-nilly; Wittol; Wobbegong; Yaffle; Yclept; Zany; Zenzizenzizenzic; Zograscope
I learned a new word today @ work: "gravitas" - never heard of it before, hey now I know.
Here are some other weird words for your precious pondering pleasure:
Absquatulate; Acronychal; Acrophony; Adipocere; Albertopolis; Alegar and beeregar; Alexipharmic; Analemmatic; Anamorphosis; Anfractuosity; Ansible; Antimacassar; Apocope; Arenaceous; Astrobleme; Ataraxy; Atrabilious; Austringer; Autohagiography; Balderdash; Bankrupt; Bant; Barmecide; Bathykolpian; Bezoar; Blackguard; Blackmail; Blatherskite; Bloviate; Blurb; Bodacious; Bodger; Bonzer; Boondoggle; Borborygmus; Boscage; Boustrophedonic; Brimborion; Brobdingnagian; Bromopnea; Brummagem; Bruxer; Cachinnatory; Cacography; Cadastral; Cadge; Caitiff; Callipygian; Callithumpian; Caltrop; Cancrine; Carphology; Cataglottism; Cataract; Catoptromancy; Cheat-bread; Chiliastic; Chrestomathy; Clerihew; Clinquant; Cockaigne; Cockamamie; Codswallop; Cohobation; Collyrium; Colophonian; Contumely; Copacetic; Costard; Costus; Coulrophobia; Cribellate; Cruciverbalist; Cyborg; Cymbocephalic; Dactylonomy; Daft-days; Deasil; Deipnosophist; Deray; Destrier; Didgeridoo; Digamy; Discombobulate; Donnybrook; Dracontology; Droogish; Dumbledore; Dwile flonking; Edacious; Eleemosynary; Ell; Emmet and grockle; Empasm; Engastrimyth; Ergophobia; Estovers; Etaoin shrdlu; Eyot; Fantods; Farb; Fimbriated; Financephalograph; Flabbergasted; Flagitious; Flibbertigibbet; Floccinaucinihilipilification; Florilegium; Fogou; Folderol; Foudroyant; Frigorific; Funambulist; Furbelow; Gaberlunzie; Gadzooks; Gafiate; Galligaskins; Gallimaufry; Gantlope; Garbler; Gargalesis; Gazebo; Gazump; Ginglyform; Gobbledygook or Gobbledegook; Gobo; Gomer; Gongoozler; Gooding; Gowpen; Gremlin; Grok; Groze; Guiser; Gurning; Ha-ha; Haberdasher; Haggard; Handfasting; Haplology; Haptic; Haruspex; Hebesphenomegacorona; Hebetude; Higgledy-piggledy; Higgler; Hobbledehoy; Hocus-pocus; Honeyfuggle; Honorificabilitudinitatibus; Hornswoggle; Houghmagandy; Humdudgeon; Humongous; Hypnobioscope; Ice house; Ichthyophagous; In silico; Incarnadine; Incunabulum; Infundibulum; Inglenook; Ingrained; Insinuendo; Interrobang; Isabelline; Jackalope; Jackanapes; Jactitation; Jaculation; Janus-faced; Jingoism; Jobbernowl; Josser; Katzenjammer; Kelemenopy; Kerfuffle; Killick; Knucker; Labretifery; Lackadaisical; Lagniappe; Latrociny; Leiotrichous; Leucipottomy; Lipogrammatist; Liripipe; Lithophone; Logan stone; Lollygag; Lycanthropy; Macaronic; Machicolation; Macilent; Magiric; Makebate; Mallemaroking; Maritorious; Maundy; Megilp; Merrythought; Metoposcopist; Mimsy; Mortsafe; Mudlark; Mugwump; Mulligrubs; Mundungus; Musterdevillers; Nepenthes; Nescient; Nubbing-cheat; Obdiplostemonous; Obnubilate; Oche; Octothorpe; Ombre; Omphaloskepsis; Onomatopoeia; Onychophagist; Oojah; Orismology; Orotund; Orrery; Oyez;Palimpsest; Pall-mall; Panglossian; Panjandrum; Panorama; Pantechnicon; Paralipsis; Paraphernalia; Paregoric; Pastinaceous; Pecksniffian; Petard; Petrichor; Pettifogging; Phenology; Picadil; Picayune; Piepowder; Pilgarlic; Pinchbeck; Pocillovy; Pogonotrophy; Popinjay; Poppycock; Portolan; Pound; Preposterous; Pridian; Pyknic; Quidnunc; Quincunx; Quodlibet; Rasorial; Retronym; Rhadamanthine; Rhapsodomancy; Rhinotillexomania; Rhopalic; Rigmarole; Rodomontade; Roo; Sabermetrician; Saggar; Salmagundi; Sarcophagus; Scalene; Scallywag or Scalawag; Sciolist; Scofflaw; Scombroid; Scrimshaw; Seersucker; Semordnilap; Sennight; Serendipity; Sesquipedalian; Sferics; Shenanigan; Sisyphean; Sitooterie; Skedaddle; Skimmington; Skulduggery; Slubberdegullion; Smouch; Snickersnee; Snollygoster; Sockdolager; Solar sail; Sophrosyne; Spanghew; Sphairistike; Sphragistics; Spifflicate; Spondulicks; Squabash; Steganography; Sternutation; Stotting; Stramonium; Stylite; Surrebutter; Swazzle; Symploce; Synaesthete; Syzygy; Taghairm; Tantivy; Tatterdemalion; Tautochrone; Tawdry; Teetotum; Tergiversate; Termagant; Tetrapyloctomy; Thaumaturgy; Thelemic; Therianthrope; Tiffin; Tintinnabulation; Titubation; Tontine; Trebuchet; Triacle; Triskaidekaphobia; Truckle; Turlough; Ullage; Ultracrepidarian; Umami; Unobtanium; Usufructuary; Vaccary; Vaccimulgence NEW ; Velocipedist; Vexillology; Volitation; Volvelle; Wassail; Wayzgoose; Welkin; Whilom; Will-o’-the-wisp; Willy-nilly; Wittol; Wobbegong; Yaffle; Yclept; Zany; Zenzizenzizenzic; Zograscope
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