Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Livin the Good Life

As I sit here watching "I Wanna Be a Hilton" or whatever the hell it's called (STFU :op), I got to wondering what it would be like to be filthy rich. I've always lived what I guess you would call a middle class lifestyle - certainly not dirt poor, certainly not filthy rich (hmmmmm both seem rather "dirty" to me lol). But, all in all, modest but comfortable.

When I was a little girl, I used to dream of being famous and rich - first, a tennis star (don't know where the hell that came from), then a doctor, or a veterinarian.... how the hell I wound up as a legal assistant, who knows.

But, would would life be like to suddenly find yourself winning the lottery, or inheriting great-Aunt Betty's fortune, or becoming famous?

You could buy the house of your dreams, the car of your dreams, go on trips anywhere and everywhere, quit your job, help out your friends and family, wouldn't it be incredible?? When I was little I used to make lists of all the things I'd buy if I were rich. Hey, a girl can dream, right?

The reason I brought this up is...... is money the key to happiness? I think not. Sure, it would be nice to not have to worry about bills, living from check to check, how you're going to send your kid to college, or pay for her wedding. Going from, "I sure wish I could get that....." to "Where's my credit card"? I've heard about rich people being miserable and poor people being perfectly happy. It sure seems that the poor ones are very appreciative of what they do have, and the rich ones are never satisfied, always wanting more.

My ex had a friend he told me about, I think it was when he was in high school in Arizona. The guy had just won the lottery - nothing monumental (by lottery standards), I think like a million or two. Evidently the guy just couldn't deal with the pressure of coming into all that money, and committed suicide. Could you imagine? I'm sure he had all kinds of people approaching him, wanting money. You'd never know who your true friends were, and you'd be constantly bombarded with everyone wanting a piece of yo' pie.

As nice as it would be to have all that money to play around with.... I don't know if I'd really want it. The only thing that does make me want it is so that I could buy a huge ranch somewhere and open an animal/wildlife shelter/sanctuary. That's my dream. Everything from lions and tigers to gorillas, horses, dogs, cats, hell even snakes. I'd want my parents to be able to live out the rest of their lives in comfort and without worry.

Maybe I should go on Survivor or something?? lol