Wednesday, September 21, 2005

#5. The Pissed Kitty Cometh

The Pissed Kitty Cometh is for creative writers. Everything is contrived, and it is done so well you can easily get sucked into believing what you are reading. The site is run by Pisser, one of the smartest people I have ever encountered. She has a way of distorting the language so it reads like it should sound, and it can sound either drunk, or dumb, or whatever she chooses. Much harder to do than meets the eye. The vast majority of respondents on the site are also creative writers. I really don't belong there because I am definitely not a creative writer. I need a spell checker. Which reminds me..

While reading her post "Money for Kibble 'N Bits For Free" Pisser listed the following article about the rescue of animals from hurricane Katrina.

If you peruse through DawnWatch, a site dedicated to animal issues, you will find a page on Email Etiquette. I feel strongly that we as human beings must stand up for animals. They cannot defend themselves from us. They have not created the environment they live in, and they have become totally dependent on humans. When disasters like Katrina occur, we depend on organizations who are supposed to be able to rescue humans and animals alike. We should never expect a shelter to turn down an animal. We should be able to expect that cat food will be provided for cats, dog food for dogs, and if euthanasia is unavoidable, the proper, approved humane treatments. There are no substitutes.

DawnWatch talks about writing to the media. You can follow the same rules for writing to your local, state, and Federal Government representatives. You can easily find your Senators and your Representative at these government sites. And please, don't forget the Humane Society of the United States.

And it's all because of Pisser and Tracey and a woman named Angelique who you haven't met yet. So, please, be active, and support the animals! I have to go play with my cat, who I have ignored all morning, yeah, sure I have! More later.
