Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Dateline: Gaithersburg 9/21/5

The Fed raised interest rates again, and the yield curve is about flat. Now, I am not going to bore the hell out of you with detailed economic analysis and insight here. But, let's talk mortgages for those of you who have been refinancing. When it costs about the same for a fixed rate and a variable rate mortgage, pick the fixed rate loan. The Fed has said it is going to continue to raise rates. You want to borrow at current rates, you do not want to be a lender. Get the 30 year fixed loan, cut back on the duration, ooops jargon, cut back on the years to maturity of bonds and CDs.

Buying stocks? How can you not? The inflation the Fed is fighting is the rise in the price of energy. Gas and oil are backing off, but natural gas has doubled from last summer. Chesapeake (CHK) and Ultra Petroleum (UPL) look good to me. WARNING ATTENTION WARNING I am not a licensed financial advisor. I do NOT have a series 7 nor any other financial license. I am not licensed to give financial advice. Never, never ,never do anything because I said I liked it.

Fund your 401K (or 403C) and your Roth IRA. If you had been living in New Orleans, and you had started a Roth when they were introduced, you'd have money available to you now wherever you were. I trust that is a compelling enough argument for you. If you can't fund all at once on Jan. 2 (financial institutions are closed on New Year's Day, only retail is open) put it in via smaller chunks throughout the year. Just get it done, please.

There are a lot of blogs I read, but don't stop to comment. Then, there are friends where you go and sit with a cup of coffee, and/or a double martini (with all the Sapphire I have here, I have definitely been drinking more vodka lately). These are blogs like Rhonda's and Tracey's and kcterrilynn's just to name a few. I'm talking along the lines of making a brie wheel with some almonds and a little nutmeg, with a beer and some nice crackers, or a roast beef sandwich, something somewhat substantial because you know you're going to have a good time.

I was reading Tracey's site when I hit this post and simply have been building rage ever since. Needless to say, I will have a bit to say about this soon! More coming.
